FACE RECOGnition for cctv

What is face recognition?

Facial recognition is the ability of a computer system to identify people by their faces. It is used in facial recognition software, which can be used for security purposes, such as identifying people in a photo lineup, or for advertising purposes, such as targeted ads.

How does face recognition work on cctv systems?

Deep-learning algorithms embedded into security cameras and video recorders analyze images from video surveillance cameras to recognize humans faces. The software looks for specific features on a person's face, such as the eyes, mouth, and nose. Once the system has identified a face, it can catalog that person's movements and keep track of what they are doing in any given footage clip.

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07404 161 859

Benefits of using facial recognition in cctv systems

Facial recognition has become a popular technology in cctv systems, for a number of reasons. Not only can it be used to monitor activity inside the property, such as unauthorized entrance or exits, but it can also be used to protect it from theft or vandalism. By using facial recognition in CCTV systems, you can make sure that your property is protected 24/7. There are a number of security options available for use with facial recognition CCTV systems, so its important to find the right one for your needs. These systems can provide you with many benefits, including the ability to monitor activity more closely and identify suspects faster.

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07404 161 859